The Ultimate Responsibility

Published on 2020-08-21 by Ashok Be

Lead me from Unreal to Real;
Lead me from Darkness to Light;
Lead me from Death to Immortality!
- Pavamana Mantra from Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad

Among all the responsibilities you have, the most important one is the one you tend to neglect, or overlook frequently, thanks to the neurotic mind that possesses you.

And that is the responsibility you have toward your own soul.

Your soul (the bright spiritual power that sparkles inside you ) yearns to achieve its ultimate liberation, provided the dump of physical memory, intellect and emotions (that is collectively referred to as you) does not get in the way.

Do you remember what they tell you to do in case of an emergency inside a flight? You must first wear your own oxygen mask before attempting to help someone with theirs. Similarly, by being responsible to yourself first, you are much more capable of tending to your other responsibilities that might be related to work, family and society.

How do you know you are being responsible to yourself? When you commit and follow through on performing sadhana (aka spiritual practice) on a daily basis. You rationalize that you cannot spare 2 * 21 minutes in a day because you just "have too many urgent and important things to do." Beware! That's how your mind fights your resolve to help your own soul. Totally fake! Don't fall for it.

Stop being neurotic. Stop allowing you from giving the soul what it rightfully deserves. Do your daily sadhana without fail. Attend to your most important responsibility of being attentive to what your soul needs, and all other parts of your life will fall in place, eventually and almost magically. Take my word for it!

Start and stay on your journey to becoming intensely alive!

Om Shanti. Om Nama Sivaya. Hari Om!

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