Quantum Teaching Principles
Quantum concepts
- Subatomic particles are present as matter and wave, at the same time
- Quantum tunneling, the reason why fusion is possible in the Sun, and we gain energy
- Superposition - the ability to spin in both directions at the same time
It is ironical how such abstract and counterintuitive concepts are so practically useful in our day-to-day lives!
Principles of Scientific Communication
Four principles of technical communication:
- Start at the right point (From Known to Unknown) - "show of hands" - err on the side of caution
- Don't go too far into the rabbit hole - explain 3 things that pique interest rather than a whole load of information (or if it is more than 3, then use clustering to reduce it to three)
- Clarity is better than Accuracy - iron out the finer details later (iteratively, provide more details, for e.g. teaching sorting as a use-case before going into the theoretical aspects of the tree)
- Explain why it is "cool" - enthusiasm is key (provide the exciting answer to "Why should I bother knowing this?" with a real-world use case)
Most importantly, convey "It is not about whether you are good or bad at it, it is all about being interested in it!"
Three Sciences
- Science of Fasting
- Science of Focus
- Science of Fate