What 2020 taught me
Go with the flow
Don't save up for a rainy day. Live each day fully. Don't expect you to be able to handle the unexpected. Shit happens. Deal with it.
Less is less
Aspire to be less. Don't be sick and aspire to be more special than everybody else. Period. And that is okay. Stop being so neurotic. After 100 years, no one will remember you did or did not do. Just be nice and kind and tread lightly until it is time for you to move on.
Be fully spent by the time the end arrives
Don't hold back any efforts. Don't be a wimp. Go out and brave everything that Life throws at you.
Embrace fully
Embrace everything without an iota of judgment or liking or disliking.
Learning takes time
And not everyone learns the same way. It is messy at best. So, don't try to "standardize" learning.