Saint Vallalaar's motto, redux

Published on 2020-09-26 by Ashok Be

Monk's Motto Remixed

பசித்திரு, தனித்திரு, விழித்திரு!



And Sadhguru's comments on why we have to learn to be alone.

"Once you touch the source of your Life, what goes on the external might seem phenomenal. People think I am superhuman. But I say, to be human is super. You are the product that has arrived after more than million years of evolution. You have to explore that phenomenon of Life within you."


Arun Madhavan Note

Dear Ashok: Vallalar conveyed a great philosophy in these simple commandments. They are truly three guidelines for the three dimensions of human personality viz. Physical, Mental and Spiritual ; call it Body, Mind and Soul complex.

He whose vision is clear and who is enlightened within, remains really awake.

Always a delight to hear from you.


Vallalar like many illustrious sages in India must have been influenced by the Supreme Yoga called Yog Vasistha. I have enclosed a one-page note from the conversation Vasistha had with Prince Ram at Ayodhya - revealing the way forward to attain liberation..If you Google the sites, you will be amazed that the epic has inspired mega blockbusters like Matrix, Inception and Avatar!

4 gate keepers at entrance to the realm of Moksha: A wise seeker should diligently cultivate their friendship.

Self control

Who can live on earth itself like God?

When one is untouched: by defects of life unaffected by past tendencies with his mind resting in the eternal seeing that pleasure and pain chase and cancel each other

Self Enquiry

To enquire: `Who am I? How has this evil of samsara, repetitive history, come into being? Knowledge of truth arises from such enquiry; then the supreme peace that helps to overcome all sorrow.

The eye of spiritual enquiry does not lose its sight even in the midst of all activities: he who does not have this eye is indeed to be pitied.

Santosha -Contentment

As long as one is not satisfied in the Self, he will be subjected to sorrow. With the rise of contentment the purity of one’s heart blooms.

The contented man who possesses nothing, owns the world.


The company of wise, holy and enlightened; it enlarges one’s intelligence, destroys one’s ignorance and psychological distress.

Whatever be the cost, whatever obstacles in its way, satsanga should never be neglected. It is superior to all other forms of religious practices like charity, austerity, performance of religious rites and pilgrimage.

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