Successful learner

Published on 2020-11-17 by Ashok Be

What gives?

Follow your Curiosity (FyC)
CoKreate/Hack your Genius (hKyG)
Maximize your magic in ~10,000 hrs (MyM)

In essence, approach your
Learning as Adventure and not as Hard Labour

Start with Questions (curiosity driven about problems preferably)

In short, "Develop the habit of private HACKING (problems+ideas+hack+skills+learn) and publicly participating in hackathons (constraints on time frame to produce a hack for a problem"

Mission and Vision

Two sections

KGISL-focused students will be provided first-offer for any fresher positions at KGISL. If they accept to take the offer they will offered a higher salary than provided to normal fresher students from other colleges. If they are accepted and paid a higher salary, they will have to commit to a maximum of 24 months service at KGISL.

Tactics to produce more Learning

FlashCards on Steroids


Hack, Genius!

When Curious is ready for inspiration
Imagination engages and prepares talent
When Talent meets opportunity
Community facilitates a hackathon
When a Hack delivers a diamond-in-the-rough
A privileged Genius is to be had
A desperate world awaits your unique contribution
So come hack your genius at KiTE, right now!

Hack, Genius! Or in three words, hack your genius. It all starts with an idea. A hack is a diamond in the rough collaborative implementation of that idea within a short time frame. A hack is very personal and therefore very precious. It is the starting point to bring forth that genius of a contribution that the world desperately needs, right now!

Linux as hobby, hack and ultimate open source

Linux is obsolete! needs to be read, and analysed and discussed. - the greatest OS that (n)ever was - was a hack! a hobby!

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