Successful learner
What gives?
Follow your Curiosity (FyC)
CoKreate/Hack your Genius (hKyG)
Maximize your magic in ~10,000 hrs (MyM)
In essence, approach your
Learning as Adventure and not as Hard Labour
Start with Questions (curiosity driven about problems preferably)
- -> Problems (design thinking et al)
- -> Ideas (have good and bad ones, and plenty of them)
- -> Hack one or more of them
- -> Skills will ensue, and so will Knowledge
- -> Habit creation of questions->ideas->hack->learn->repeat
- The power of compounding - become 1% better every day
- along with Scott Young's brilliant blog on self-improvement
In short, "Develop the habit of private HACKING (problems+ideas+hack+skills+learn) and publicly participating in hackathons (constraints on time frame to produce a hack for a problem"
Mission and Vision
ENVISIONED future - BECOME what in a constrainted time frame? Become #1 in delivering more genius per genius to the society to increase prosperity and wealth (medium term outcome)
IPL-like MISSION - BE doing what even if not paid any money for it? - To prepare more talent to meet better opportunities by producing more learning (RFB)
STRATEGY/TACTICS: *KnowHow * for how to have Genius happen inside a student? -
- use this formula
- Skill + No fear + No reward + Unrealistic but strict timeframe = Genius
- use this formula
The Million dollar question? Who will do all the above? Who will help us do it faster and quicker than the competition?
Two sections
- make a commitment, follow the instructions to the letter
- stipend from semester 1
- can ask for exit until end of semester 4 4. no monetary penalties 6. If exit is asked in semester 5 (beginning of 3rd year), they will have to refund any and all stipends paid 6. prize money, if any, can be retained by themselves
Student-focused 0. Actively seek out what their curiosity, motivations, intentions are
- vast exposure to other companies, internships, etc
- no stipend during their study is offered by KGiSL
- can opt to come to move to "KGISL-focused" section no later than semester 5 (beginning of 3rd year)
KGISL-focused students will be provided first-offer for any fresher positions at KGISL. If they accept to take the offer they will offered a higher salary than provided to normal fresher students from other colleges. If they are accepted and paid a higher salary, they will have to commit to a maximum of 24 months service at KGISL.
Tactics to produce more Learning
FlashCards on Steroids
- Test yourself as often as possible
- Create your own flash cards at
- Education as exciting adventure (rather than hard labour) learning experience facilitated by progressively challenging series of themed hackathons which is curated by industry experts.
- hacKyGenius (KyG)
- coKreate knowledge as
- a skilled team pursues hacks to
- implement ideas that
- attack wicked problems
- in a constrained time frame (>16 hrs, < 1 month)
Hack, Genius!
When Curious is ready for inspiration
Imagination engages and prepares talent
When Talent meets opportunity
Community facilitates a hackathon
When a Hack delivers a diamond-in-the-rough
A privileged Genius is to be had
A desperate world awaits your unique contribution
So come hack your genius at KiTE, right now!
Hack, Genius! Or in three words, hack your genius. It all starts with an idea. A hack is a diamond in the rough collaborative implementation of that idea within a short time frame. A hack is very personal and therefore very precious. It is the starting point to bring forth that genius of a contribution that the world desperately needs, right now!
Linux as hobby, hack and ultimate open source
Linux is obsolete! needs to be read, and analysed and discussed. - the greatest OS that (n)ever was - was a hack! a hobby!